Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Beer Tasting, Volume VIII

Beer: Port Brewing Panzer Imperial Pilsner
Style: Imperial Pilsner
Bottle: 24 oz. This was a big boy!
Label: This label has a German Tank with a guy sitting on top with binoculars. Somewhat cool but could be even more bad-ass if the tank was blowing some shit up! Also tells a story on the label about the guy being a retired tank driver.
Why did I buy this beer?: Well lets not kid ourselves, the label has a Tank on it...Some of you don't know me well enough to know that my family members and close family friends call me Tank. And you all just thought I was big pun or Bo Diesel!!
Glass used: New Glarus pint glass...Is it just me, or does all beer taste better in this pint glass? What's that? You don't have a New Glarus pint glass? Hmmm Sounds like a personal problem to me!
Alcohol Content: This beer packs a punch coming in at 9.5%, but it definitely goes down smooth. You might not want to drive if you have more than one of these bottles, or if you live in AZ after one glass...Stupid DUI laws. Why can't we enjoy the beers without impairing our driving?
Initial Taste Note: This beer has some mild hops aroma and has a good citrus taste but then drops a malt bomb on you.
Secondary Taste Note: This beer doesn't blow you away with any crazy flavoring. It just goes down somewhat smooth and refreshing. Like a normal Pilsner on steroids.
If this beer were a celebrity: This beer would be Big Papi. Maybe not on steroids but definitely using some performance enhancers...Still very good though :-)
Last Taste Note: I apologize but I stepped out for some street vendor hot dogs between drinking this beer and writing the review. Not sure if that is good or bad, but the dogs were damn good. The beer was good too. Beer pairs quite well with hot dogs. Although they were not as good as hot dougs! mmmmmm duck fat fries. For those of you Arizonans who read this and do not know about hot dougs, go to Chicago and get your ass to hot dougs for some Chicago style dogs and duck fat fries (Friday and Saturday only for the friest)
Websites: Beer advocate:
Port brewing: although I couldn't find this beer on their website. Maybe it is discontinued.
Summary: I would definitely drink this beer again. Even if I was not promised the glorious street vendor hot dogs with everything. I definitely would like to get this on draft. This beer was cold and refreshing after a long day of work. This beer made me want to blast some fools with an old German tank. Side note- after I win the powerball, I might buy an old German tank for shits and giggles. Second side note- I will make Papago brew schitzengiggles again, that beer was the bomb.

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