Friday, October 2, 2009

Beer Tasting, Volume IX

Beer: New Belgium Lips of Faith (Transatlantique Kriek)
Style: Lambic ale with Polish cherries
Bottle: 22 oz.
Alcohol Content: 8%

I want to be upfront with you. This will be a tad bit different from my other beer reviews. There are a few reasons for this. One being I have had few large, high alcohol content beers already tonight. Two being I was watching the new Transformers movie. If you have not seen this movie, you can still follow along but it might catch you off guard. Also, I will be referencing an awesome Wisconsin brewery as well.

Now. If you haven't seen the new transformers, I recommend it. Lots of action from the start. As well as Megan Fox. She is extremely hot and she runs in slow motion(more on that later). Now while watching this movie and drinking this beer, I did realize one thing. There is another really hot chick in this movie( don't know her name but she is in the beginning). Even though she turns out to be a decepticon (evil robot for you non-transformers watchers) I would still totally tap that robot ass. That chick was hot.

Ok..On to the beer. This is a cherry beer. I generally like all things New Belgium, however this is not one of them. I paid over $15.00 for one bottle of this beer. It was money wasted. This beer was a collaboration with Brewerij Boon of Belgium. I also generally like all things Belgium. This is not one of them. Sam Adams (another of my favorite breweries) also puts out a cherry beer. The cherry wheat, this is another beer you should save your money on. GROSS!

If you either A) live in the midwest (a close drive to Wisconsin) or B) plan to visit the midwest(a close drive to Wisconsin) then you are in luck. Make it a point to get the best cherry beer on the planet (or at least in the Continental U.S.) New Glarus Belgian Red is the beer for you. This beer is fruity yes, but so worth trading in a few points on the man scale. I got to taste this beer in draft form, while eating beer cheese soup and cheese curds(apparently Wisconsonites like cheese). This is the cherry beer on HGH. This beer drops cherry bombs on your taste buds. I would sell my dogs nut sacks for this beer (side note, we are neutering my dogs in a few weeks and if you want them I will trade for this beer). Ok maybe not that crazy but get the point. If you are reading this blog, you either know me(and my love for all things good beer) or my friend Justin ( and his love for all things good beer). We are cut from the same cloth!

I choose to close this review on an awesome note. First, I will not pay for this beer again. Yes, if someone gives it to me I would probably drink it again. It is definitely better than anything the big 3 can put out (with the exception of Blue Moon as I dig that beer)... Let me end with this. If New Glarus Belgian Red is the Megan Fox running in slow motion of cherry beers, then New Belgium Lips of Faith is the Rosanne Barr dancing to German Death Metal...Enjoy that mental image because I am out like a fat kid in dodgeball!

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