Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Beer Tasting, Volume I

Beer: Port Brewing Hop-15 Ale
Bottle: 22 oz.
Why did I buy this beer? I have never had a Port beer before. I've read good things about this brewery, this particular IPA is highly rated, and brewer Tomme Arthur supposedly knows his shit.
Label: Stupid. Plane dropping hop "bombs" into a glass. I don't like this label.
Glass used: Stolen Gotham Cask Ale 8 oz. tasting glass.
Food eaten at the same time: Trader Joe's Split Pea soup from a can and pretzel sticks.
Initial taste note: This beer tastes thick. Not unlike a carbonated rum...if rum were made with pine needles and not sugar cane. Maybe it's the alcohol (10%).
Secondary taste note: If this beer were an animal, it would be a mountain goat.
Tertiary taste note: I feel as though there are little farmers in this beer, using hop-coated scythes to till my tongue.
Quaternary taste note: I can't finish this bottle by myself. I'd be too drunk and my mouth feels as though it's imploding. I blame the hops. Supposedly Port uses 15 different varieties and does not publish which ones they use. This is bullshit because I could guess 15 different hops and probably get most of them. There just aren't that are commercially available for a beer like this.

More on Port Brewing: http://www.portbrewing.com/

Conclusion: I'd drink this again, preferably on draft or with a masochistic friend to share the big bottle.

Rating: 6.746. Completely arbitrary. Ratings are stupid. Would I drink it again? Yep. I'd probably even pay for it.


  1. hmmm. i need to find a bottle of this. I love the rating system. you will be hard to top when I do my guest reviews but I will be on my a-game and maybe do a review of le tiger lager...hmmm??

  2. I like your tasting notes, especially re: label, what you ate it with, etc. I have looked everywhere for a blank book specifically designed for beer tasting notes, but all I have found are wine books. So, I made my own. May have to co-opt your layout though!

  3. Deverie- Thanks for the compliments! I've looked for a book too and a good one just doesn't exist anywhere online. However, I remember that New Belgium had one at their brewery when I visited. I'm going to e-mail them and see what the odds are like of procuring one...

    Pun- I fully expect a review from you soon. Tiger Lager is too tame. Go with something new. :) Oh, and this is Deverie- Jay's sister. She likes good beer too.
