Monday, September 21, 2009

Imagined Conversations, Volume I

I hear many one-sided conversations each day as I ride the train. I don't know why people insist on talking on the phone on the otherwise silent train, but they do, and I listen to their conversations. These conversations are usually pretty entertaining because I only hear the side of the person on the train. So, as I am usually on my BlackBerry reading the news, I have started inconspicuously typing lines from these phone talkers so that I can imagine the full conversation for our collective enjoyment.

Conversation 1:

Other End: It was crazy! I was walking down Michigan Avenue today when a spontaneous sword fight broke out! It was tourists against business people and body parts were flying everywhere! A little old lady was decapitated right in front of me!

What I Heard: "God loves you, your head is still attached."

Conversation 2:

Other End: How long you think I can get away with downloading German poo porn during my work hours?

What I Heard: "You keep doing that and you're fired for gross misconduct."

Other End: You don't like Germans?

What I Heard: "You just can't do that stuff at work..."

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